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Full List

Individual Research Publications: 211

  1. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On zero-divisors in reduced group rings over ordered groups, Proc. Japan Acad., 60 no.9 (1984) 333-334. ISSN: 0386-2194
  2. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semi-idempotents in group rings, Proc. Japan Acad., 61 no.4 (1985) 107-108. ISSN: 0386-2194
  3. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on the modular group ring of a finite p-group, Kyungpook Math. J., 26 no.2 (1986) 163-166. ISSN: 1225-6951
  4. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero square group rings, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 80 (1988) 105-106. ISSN: 0008-0659
  5. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semi-idempotents in semigroup rings, J. Guizhou Inst. of Tech., 18 no.4 (1989) 73-74. ISSN: 1000-2685
  6. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semigroup rings which are zero square rings, News Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 12 no.4 (1989) 8-10.
  7. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On pre J-group semirings, Pure Math. Manuscript, 8 (1989) 95-100.
  8. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On group rings which are p-rings, Ganita, 40 no.1 (1989) 1-2. ISSN: 0046-5402
  9. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Near loop rings of Moufang loops, Extracta Mathematica, Universidad De Extremadura, 5 no.3 (1990) 121-123.  ISSN: 0213-8743
  10. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semigroup rings of ordered semigroups which are reduced rings, J. Math. Res. Expo., 10 no.4 (1990) 493-494.          ISSN: 1000-341X  
  11. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Regularly periodic elements of a ring, J. Bihar Math. Soc., 13 (1990) 12-17.  ISSN: 0972-8716
  12. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semigroup rings which are p-rings, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 82 (1990) 191-192. ISSN: 0008-0659
  13. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On quasi-group rings, Scientist of Phys. Sci., 2 no.2 (1990) 137-138.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  14. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents in the group ring of a cyclic group, Vikram University Math. J., 10 (1990) 59-73.  
  15. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on the modular group ring of the symmetric group Sn, J. Nat. Phys. Sci., 4 (1990) 121-124.  
  16. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero square group semirings, Buletinul (Institute of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin), 52 (1990) 7-9. ISSN: 1220-3041  
  17. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On E-rings, J.Guizhou Inst.Tech., 20 no.1 (1991) 42-44. ISSN:1000-2685  
  18. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on pre-J-group rings, Qatar Univ. Sci. J., 11 (1991) 27-31.  ISSN: 1023-8948
  19. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero divisors in loop algebras of power associative and diassociative loops, Ceske Vyoske Uceni Technicke v Praze Acta Polytechnica, 16 (1991) 21-26. ISSN: 0554-9205  
  20. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On strongly subcommutative near-rings, Saitama Math. J., 9 (1991)7-8. ISSN: 0289-0739  
  21. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Inner zero square rings, News Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 14 (1991) 9-10.  
  22. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on semigroup rings which are Boolean rings, Scientist of Phys. Sci., 3 no.1 (1991) 67-68. ISSN: 0970-9150
  23. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on units and semi-idempotent elements in commutative group rings, Ganita, 42 no.1 (1991) 33-34.  ISSN: 0046-5402
  24. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Superboolean algebras, J. Northeast Normal Univ., 4 (1991) 9-11.  ISSN: 1001-6201
  25. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semi-idempotents in the group ring of a cyclic group over the field of rationals, Kyungpook Math. J., 31 no.2 (1991) 243-251.  ISSN: 1225-6951
  26. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on the mod p-envelope of a cyclic group, Math. Student, Indian Mathematical Society, 59 (1991) 84-86.  ISSN: 0025-5742
  27. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents in quasi-reflexive group rings, Scientist of Phys. Sci., 3 no.2 (1991) 136-137.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  28. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semigroup rings which are Marot rings, Revista Intergracion Temas De Mathematics, 9 no.1 (1991) 59-62.     ISSN: 0151-4105
  29. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents in group seminear-rings, IPB-Bulletin Stiinfic, 53 (1991) 13-17.  ISSN: 1220-305x
  30. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the ring Z2S3, Math. Student, Indian Mathematical Society, 61 (1992) 246-248.  ISSN: 0025-5742
  31. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On subsemi-ideal rings, Chinese Quart. J. Math., 7 no.1 (1992) 107-108. ISSN: 1002-0462  
  32. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On chain semirings, J. of Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 16 no.2 (1992) 257-258. ISSN: 0378-8121  
  33. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on semi-idempotents in group rings, Scientist Phys. Sci., 4 no.1 (1992) 77-78. ISSN: 0970-9150
  34. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On near loop rings which are Marot near loop rings, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.14 NR.101 (1992) 55-58. ISSN: 0209-2670  
  35. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semigroup rings that are pre-Boolean rings, J. Fuzhou Univ., 20 no.1 (1992) 6-8. ISSN: 1000-2243  
  36. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Filial semigroups and semigroup rings, Libertas Mathematica, 12 (1992) 35-37.  ISSN 0278-5307
  37. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semirings in rings, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 5 no.3 (1992) 379-380.
  38. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Loops over near-rings, J. Shanghai Univ. Sci. Tech., 15 no.1 (1992) 41-43. ISSN: 0258-7041  
  39. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On null semigroups, Math. Education, 24 no.3 (1992) 186-187. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  40. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, n-ideal rings, J. Southeast Univ., 8 no.2 (1992) 109-111.  
  41. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On normal elements in loop rings, Ultra Scientist of Phys. Sci., 4 no.2 (1992) 210-212. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  42. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On perfect less by r-numbers, Pure Appl. Math. J., 8 (1992) 107. ISSN: 0019-5588
  43. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on group near-rings which are p-near-rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 no.2 (1992) 175-176. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  44. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero divisors in group seminear-rings, Riazi J. of Karachi Math. Asso., 14 (1992) 25-28. ISSN: 0255-7568  
  45. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On generalized semi-ideals of a group ring, J. Qufu Shifan Daxue Xuebao, Normal University, 18 no.4 (1992) 25-27. ISSN: 1001-5337  
  46. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On inner commutative groups, Math. Student, Indian Mathematical society, 61 (1992) 249-252. ISSN 0025-5742
  47. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents in rational loop algebras, Ganit, J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 12 no.1 (1992) 53-56.  ISSN 0936-7195
  48. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semivector spaces over semifields, Zeszyty Naukowe Politichniki, Rze. Folia. Scie. Univ. Tech. Res., Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.17 Nr 118 (1993) 43-51. ISSN: 0209-2670  
  49. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, S-weakly regular group rings, Archivum Mathematicum, 29 (1993) 39-41. ISSN: 0044-8753  
  50. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Strongly modular subsemigroups in finite semigroups, Analele universitatii Din galati Matematica, 16 no.11 (1993) 49-54. ISSN: 1221-4531 
  51. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On strongly subcommutative group ring, Revista ciencias Matematicas, 14 no.1 (1993) 92-93. ISSN: 0256-5374
  52. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On loop semirings, Toimetised proceedings Estonian Acad. Sci., 42 no.4 (1993) 347-349.  ISSN: 0373-6431
  53. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Modularity and supermodularity of subsemigroups in finite semigroups, Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci., 30 no.1 (1993) 45-47.  ISSN: 0377-2969
  54. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Loop Boolean algebras, Zeszyty Naukowe Politichniki, Rze. Folia. Scie. Univ. Tech. Res., Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.17 Nr 121 (1993) 95-98.  ISSN: 0072-0372
  55. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semi group rings which are chinese rings, J. of Math. Res. Exposition, 13 No.3 (1993) 375-376.  ISSN: 1000-341x
  56. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Units in loop rings, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 5 no.1 (1993) 86-88. ISSN:0970-9150  
  57. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On subgroups satisfying quasi strongly modular identity, Pure Math. Manuscript, 10 (1993) 141-145. 
  58. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On quasi supermodular lattices, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 5 no.2 (1993) 218-219. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  59. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Integral loop semi-near-rings, Zeszyty Naukowe Politichniki, Rze. Folia. Scie. Univ. Tech. Res., Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.17 Nr 121 (1993) 99-103. ISSN: 0072-0372
  60. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group rings which are a direct sum of subrings, Revista Investigacion operacinal, Journal of the Universidad de la Habana, 14 no.1 (1993) 85-87. 
  61. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Orthogonal ideals in lattices and its application to codes, Proc. National Seminar on algebra and its applications, Bharatidasan Univ., 17th-18th April 1993, 69-72.  
  62. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A new type of product on lattices near-ring semilattices, Vikram University Math. J., 13 (1993) 23-27.  
  63. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Strong right S-rings, J. of Fuzhou Univ, 21 no.4 (1993) 6-8. ISSN: 1000-2243  
  64. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On strictly right chain group rings, Hunan Annele math., 14 no.2 (1994) 47-49.   
  65. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, I*- Semigroups, Math. Education, 28 (1994) 30-31. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  66. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a problem of the group ring Z2S3, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 6 no.1 (1994) 147. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  67. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, J-semigroups and J-semigroup rings, Math. Education, 28(1994) 84-86. ISSN: 0047-6269 
  68. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a new type of group rings and its new divisors, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 6 no.1 (1994) 136-137. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  69. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On multi differentiation of decimal and fractional calculus, Math. Education, 28 no.4 (1994) 220-224. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  70. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Coloring of group rings, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci.,7 no.1 (1994) 35-37. 
  71. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Lie ideals of Z2S3, Technical university of Cluj Napoca, Acta Technica Napocensis, 37 no.1 (1994) 113-116. ISSN: 1221-5872 
  72. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a new type of product rings, Ultra Scientist of Phys. Sci., 6 no.2, (1994) 270-271. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  73. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, n-ideal near-rings, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 14 no.2 (1994) 167-168. ISSN: 1000-341X  
  74. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On decimal and fractional Calculus, Ultra Scientist of Phys. Sci., 6 no.2 (1994) 283-285. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  75. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On SPI semigroups, Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci., 31 no.1 (1994) 49-50.  ISSN: 0377-2969
  76. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On pseudo commutative elements in a ring, Ganita Sandesh, Rajasthan Ganita Parishad, 8 no.1 (1994) 19-21.       ISSN: 0970-9169
  77. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, f-semigroup rings, Math. Education, 28 no.3 (1994) 162-164. ISSN: 0047-6269 
  78. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On weakly Boolean grouprings, Libertas Mathematica, Amer. Romanian Acad. Arts Sci., 14 (1994) 111-113.     ISSN: 0278-5307
  79. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Supermodular subgroups in finite groups, Rostock. Math. Kolloq, 47 (1994) 27-30.  ISSN: 0138-3248
  80. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On strong ideal and subrings of a ring, J. Inst. Math Comp. Sci., 7 no.3 (1994) 197-199. 
  81. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On strictly right loop rings, J. of Harbin Inst. of Sci. and Tech., 18 no.3 (1994) 116-118.  ISSN: 1005-9113
  82. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the ring (R x G x S), J. of Xoinjiang University, 11 no.1 (1994) 33-34. ISSN: 1000-2839 
  83. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Semi idempotents in loop algebras, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 7 no.3 (1994) 241-244. 
  84. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Weakly regular group rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 20 (1994) 57-58. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  85. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero divisors in semiloop near-rings, Zeszyty Naukowe Politichniki, Rze. Folia. Scie. Univ. Tech. Res., Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.15 Nr 127 (1994) 79-84. ISSN: 1232-7867 
  86. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on the modular semigroup ring of a finite idempotent semigroup, J. Natural Phys. Sci., 8 (1994) 91-94. 
  87. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group Boolean algebras, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 14 no.4 (1994) 522-524. ISSN: 1000-341X  
  88. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on semigroup rings which are pre-p-rings, Kyungpook Math. J., 34 no.2 (1994) 223-225. ISSN: 1225-6951
  89. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On rings satisfying at = bs = (ab)t, Proc. Pak. Acad., 31 no.4 (1994) 289-292. ISSN: 0377-2969  
  90. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Regularly periodic elements of a group rings, Ultra Scientist J. Phys. Sci., 8 (1994) 47-50. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  91. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the mod p-envelope of Sn, Math. Education, 29 no.3 (1995) 171-173. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  92. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Right multiplication ideals in rings, Opuscula Mathematica, 15 (1995) 115-117. ISSN: 1232-9274 
  93. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Complex fuzzy sets and systems, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 7 no.1 (1995) 110-111. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  94. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on the modular loop ring of a finite loop, Opuscula Mathematica, 15 (1995) 109-112. 
  95. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semigroup rings in which (xy)n = xy, J. Bihar Math. Soc., 16 (1995) 47-50. ISSN: 0972-8716 
  96. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Essential subgroups of a group, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 15 no.3 (1995) 350-352. ISSN: 1000-341x 
  97. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On quasi-commutative rings, Carbib J. Math. Comp. Sci., 5 (1995) 22-24. ISSN 1017-6764
  98. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy semifields and fuzzy semivector spaces, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 7 no.1 (1995) 115-116. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  99. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, The units of semigroup seminear-rings, Opuscula Mathematica, 15 (1995) 113-114. ISSN: 1232-9274
  100. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Zero divisors in loop-loop near-rings, J.inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 8 no.2 (1995) 139-143. 
  101. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy reflexive non-associative matrices, J. Phys. Sci., 7 no.2 (1995) 230-232.  
  102. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On group semigroup rings, Octogon Math. Mag., 3 no.2 (1995) 44-46. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  103. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Orthogonal sets in group rings, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 8 no.2 (1995) 87-89. 
  104. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Obedient ideals in a finite ring, J. inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 8 no.3 (1995) 217-219.  
  105. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On lin-group rings, Zeszyty Naukowe Politichniki, Rze. Folia. Scie. Univ., Matematyka i Fizyka, Z.18 Nr.129 (1995) 23-26.  
  106. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Fuzzy subloops of some special loops, Proc. fuzzy Math. workshop, 26th Iranian Math. Conf., Shahib Bahonar Univ. of Kerman, 28th - 31st Mar., 1995, Iran.  
  107. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semigroup superboolean Algebras, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universtatii Al. I. Cuza Iasi., 4 (1995) 33-36. ISSN: 1217-8950 
  108. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group rings which satisfy super ore condition, Vikram University Math. J., 15 (1995) 67-69. 
  109. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On loop rings which are marot loop rings, Ultra Scientist J. Phys. Sci., 7 no.2 (1995) 224-226. ISSN: 0970-9150.
  110. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Complex Polynomial near-rings, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universtatii Al. I. Cuza Iasi., 4 (1995) 29-31. ISSN: 1217-8950 
  111. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On looprings which are marot loop rings, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 8 no.1 (1996) 126-128. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  112. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, I*-ring, Chinese Quart. J. Maths., 11 no.2 (1996) 11-12. ISSN: 1002-0462
  113. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On N-harmonious subgroups of a group, Acta ciencia indica, 22 (1996) 457-458. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  114. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Loops over real quaternions, Vikram University Math. J., School of Studies in Math., Vikram University, MP, India, 16 (1996) 1-6. 
  115. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy reflexive non-associative matrices, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 8 no.1 (1996) 110-112. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  116. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Division of lattice intervals and new lattices, Octogon Math. Mag., 4 no.1 (1996) 45-50. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  117. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On ordered groupoids and its groupoid rings, J. of Math. Comp. Sci., 9 no.2 (1996) 145-147. 
  118. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents in loop semi-near-rings, Ganit, J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 16 (1996) 35-39. ISSN 0936-7195
  119. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Finite rings which has isomorphic quotient rings, formed by non-maximal ideals, Math. Education, 30 no.2 (1996) 125-126. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  120. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semipotent linear operators and matrices, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 8 (1996) 254-256. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  121. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on group rings which are F-rings, Acta ciencia indica, 22 no.3 (1996) 251-252. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  122. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On pseudo niven numbers, Math. Education, 30 no.4 (1996) 191-192. ISSN: 0047-6269 
  123. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Multi-Fuzzy differentiation in Fuzzy polynomial rings, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 9 no.2 (1996) 171-173. 
  124. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Polynomial Tri-operational rings, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, XLII (1996) 1-3. ISSN: 1011-2855
  125. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the matrix equation Xn + Ym = Zp, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 8 no.2 (1996) 265-266. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  126. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, The matrix equation X12 + … + Xn2 = MX1X2Xn, J. of Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 9 (1996) 283-284.  
  127. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On ideally strong group rings, Math. Education, 30 no.2 (1996) 71-72. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  128. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Idempotents and semi-idempotents in near-rings, J. of Sichuan Univ., 33 no.3 (1996) 330-332.ISSN: 0490-6756  
  129. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Loop algebras of Moufang loops, Mathematical forum, 11 (1997) 21-25.  
  130. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Gaussian Polynomial rings, Octogon Math. Mag., 5 no.2 (1997) 58-59. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  131. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a natural trinary operation in the modulo integers Zn, J. of Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 10 no.1 (1997) 59-61.  
  132. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Permutable Matrices, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 9 no.1 (1997) 137-138. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  133. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semi nilpotent elements of a ring, Punjab Univ. J. Math., 30 (1997) 143-147.  ISSN: 1016-2526
  134. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy complex near-rings, Math. Education, 31 no.2 (1997) 90-91. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  135. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On tripotent elements of a ring, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 10 no.1 (1997) 73-74.  
  136. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On SS-ring, Math. Education, 32 no.2 (1998) 68-69. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  137. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a quasi subset theoretic relation in a ring, Acta ciencia indica, 24 no.1 (1998) 9-10. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  138. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Strongly Modular Lattices, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 10 no.1 (1998) 106-113. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  139. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Inner Associative rings, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 18 no.2 (1998) 217-218. ISSN: 1000-341x
  140. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group-loop-rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 24 no.1 (1998) 13-14. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  141. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On plane sphere intersecting problem, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 10 no.1 (1998) 137-138. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  142. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On tight matrix pairs, Octogon Math. Mag., 6 no.1 (1998) 51-53. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  143. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On quasi loops, Octogon Math. Mag., 6 no.1 (1998) 63-64.  ISSN: 1222-5657
  144. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy near matrix rings, Math. Education, 32 no.3 (1998) 169-171. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  145. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note of f-group rings without non-zero nilpotents, Acta ciencia indica, 24 no.1 (1998) 15-17. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  146. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a new class of Jordan loops and their loop rings, J. Bihar Math. Soc., 19 (1999) 71-75. ISSN: 0972-8716  
  147. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Matrices over the Boolean algebra [0, 1], Math. Education, 33 no.1 (1999) 9-10. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  148. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Mathematical approach to the industrial problem of maximizing the industries profit and the workers incentive, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 11 no.1 (1999) 23-29. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  149. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On E-semigroup rings, Caribbean J. Math. Computing Sci., The Univ. West Indies, 9 (1999) 52-54. ISSN: 1017-6764  
  150. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On non-associative semi-rings, Acta ciencia indica, 25 no.4 (1999) 359-360. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  151. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, The game Pallamkuzhi-its mathematical aspects, Appl. Sci. Periodical, 1 (1999) 74-76. ISSN: 0972-5504
  152. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, r-semi-identity matrices, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 12 (1999) 157-159.  
  153. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Bi-vector spaces, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 11 no.2 (1999) 186-190. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  154. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Quasi vector spaces, Octogon Math. Mag., 7 no.2 (1999) 76-78. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  155. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group rings which have trivial subrings, Math. Education, 33 no.3 (1999) 180-181. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  156. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On fuzzy semirings, Acta ciencia indica, 25 no.4 (1999) 361-362. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  157. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On group rings which are gamma n rings and errata, Math. Education, 33 no.2 (1999) 72-73 and 34 no.1 (2000) 61. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  158. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Loop algebras of an operator loop over Z, Acta ciencia Indica, 24 no.2 (2000) 129-131. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  159. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Some applications of the decimal derivative, Math. Education, 34 no.2 (2000) 128-129. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  160. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On pseudo identities in fuzzy matrices, Octogon Math. Mag., 8 no.1 (2000) 98-100. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  161. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On an infinite group and the lattice of its subgroups, Octogon Math. Mag., 8 no.1 (2000) 115-118. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  162. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On finite quaternion rings and skew fields, Acta ciencia indica, 24 no.2 (2000) 133-135. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  163. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Pallamkuzhi - (Kattattam), Math. Education, 34 no.3 (2000) 143-144. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  164. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On non associative fuzzy semirings, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 12 no.3 (2000) 417-418. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  165. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the equation x2 + 1 = 0, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 13 no.3 (2000) 311-313.  
  166. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the partial differentiation of decimal and fractional calculus, J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci.,13 no.3 (2000) 287-290.  
  167. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On demi modules over rings, J. of Wuhan automotive polytechnic Univ., 22 no.6 (2000) 123-125. ISSN: 1007-144X 
  168. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A note on f-group near-rings without non zero nilpotent, Acta ciencia indica, 26 no.4 (2000) 335-338. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  169. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On dimension for Boolean polynomial, Acta ciencia indica, 26 no.4 (2000) 339-342. ISSN: 0970-0455  
  170. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Tight rings and group rings, Acta ciencia indica, 27 no.1 (2001), 87-88. ISSN: 0253-732X
  171. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On n-pseudo normal subgroups of a group, Acta ciencia indica, 27 no.1 (2001) 89-90. ISSN: 0253-732X
  172. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On locally semi unitary rings, Octogon Math. Mag., 9 no.1 (2001) 260-262. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  173. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the game pallamkuzhi with a single player, Math. Education, 35 no.3 (2001) 127-128. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  174. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, CN rings, Octogon Math. Mag., 9 no.1 (2001) 343-345. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  175. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On the triple {1, n2 - 2p, n2 +2n – (2p-1)},         J. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., 14 no.2 (2001) 149-150.  
  176. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On quasi semi group rings, Math. Education, 35 no.4 (2001) 192-195. ISSN: 0047-6269  
  177. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On a new class of semi vector spaces, Varahmihir J. Math. Sci., Sandipani Acad., 1 no.1 (2001) 23-31.         ISSN: 0972-7329  
  178. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, New class of finite groupoids using Zn, Varahmihir J. Math. Sci., Sandipani Acad., 1 no.2 (2001) 135-143.    ISSN: 0972-7329  
  179. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Bi-loops, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 14 (2002) 127-130. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  180. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache semirings and semi fields, Smarandache notions journal, 13 (2002) 88-91. ISSN: 1084-2810  
  181. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On semi idempotent matrices, Ultra Scientist Phys Sci., 14 (2002) 294-296. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  182. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache cosets, Smarandache notions journal, 13 (2002) 245-251. ISSN: 1084-2810  
  183. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache loops, Smarandache notions journal, 13 (2002) 252-258. ISSN: 1084-2810  
  184. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Normal near rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 (2002) 47-48. ISSN: 0253-732X  
  185. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Group rings which have SV-groups, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 (2002) 49-50. ISSN: 0253-732X  
  186. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, A new identity in loops, Octogon Math. Mag., 10 (2002) 739-741. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  187. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, The concept of super idempotents and zero divisors, Octogon Math. Mag., 10 (2002) 823-825. ISSN: 1222-5657  
  188. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Quasi ideals in group rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 no.3 (2002) 295-296. ISSN: 0253-732X  
  189. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On sub-rings satisfying a special identity SI-rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 no.3 (2002) 297-298. ISSN: 0253-732X  
  190. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Link relation in rings, Acta ciencia Indica, 28 no.3 (2002) 299-302. ISSN: 0253-732X  
  191. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On Loop near-rings, Ultra Scientist Phys. Sci., 14 no.3 (2002) 557-560. ISSN: 0970-9150  
  192. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Groupoids, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  193. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Pseudo-Ideals, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  194. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Units and Smarandache Units, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  195. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Idempotents, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  196. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Automaton, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  197. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Zero Divisors, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  198. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Galois Fields, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  199. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Non-associative Rings, Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).  
  200. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Near-rings , Smarandache Notions Journal, (2002).
  201. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Groupoids and its Applications, Vikram Univ. Mathematical Journal, 19 (2001) 60-72.  
  202. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On Group Semisuperboolean Algebras, Buletinul Institutului Politechnic Din Iasi, XLVI (2000), 1-5. ISSN: 1011-2855
  203. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Finite Zeros and Finite Zero Divisors, Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2 no. 2 (2002), 295-302. ISSN: 0972-7329  
  204. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On Normally Inner Commutative Groups, Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4 no. 1 (2004), 85-87.   ISSN: 0972-7329  
  205. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Bi-rings, Jour. Inst. of Math. and Com. Sci, 17 no. 2 (2004) 101-103.  
  206. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On Fuzzy Calculus over Fuzzy Polynomial Rings, Vikram Univ. Mathematical Journal, Vikram University, MP. India, 22 (2002) 1-5.   
  207. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Bisemigroups and its Applications, J. Bihar Math. Soc., 23 (2003) 35-44.  ISSN: 0972-8716
  208. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache group near-rings and Smarandache semi-near rings, Ultra Sci., 17 (2005) 119-126. ISSN: 0970-9150
  209. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Smarandache Seminear-rings, Ultra Sci., 17 (2005) 127-132. ISSN: 0970-9150
  210. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, On Smarandache ideals in near-rings, Jour. Of Inst. Of Math and Comp. Sci. , (Math ser), 18, (2005) no.2, 119-120.
  211. W.B.Vasantha Kandasamy, Bistructures and S-Bistructures, Jour. of Inst. of Math and Comp. Sci. , (Math ser), 18, (2005) no.1, 95-97.

Combined Research Publications: 136

  1. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Suresh Babu, N., On orthogonal ideals in group rings, J. Nat. Phys. Sci., 5-8 (1991-4) 139-142.
  2. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Anburaj, S.A., Orthogonal ideals in the loop ring Z2L and application to codes, Proc. of the National Seminar on Algebra, Bharatidasan Univ., 58-62 (1993).
  3. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Sridhar, M.S., A new definition of lattices, Proc. of the National Seminar on Algebra, Bharatidasan Univ., 63-68 (1993).
  4. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Suresh Babu, N., On some linear codes using semigroup rings, Proc. of the National Seminar on Algebra, Bharatidasan Univ., 73-77 (1993).
  5. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Suresh Babu, N., Relation between the covering radius and minimum distance of in-decomposable binary cyclic codes over 2-groups, Mathematics Today, 12 (1994) 53-56.
  6. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Meiyappan, D., Note on lower and upper approximations in a fuzzy group, Ganita Sandesh, Rajasthan Ganita Parishad, 11 (1997) 85-90.   ISSN: 0970-9169
  7. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Meiyappan, D., Fuzzy symmetric subgroups and conjugate fuzzy subgroups of a group, J. of Fuzzy Maths, Int. Fuzzy Mat. Inst., 6 (1998) 905-913.  ISSN: 1066-8950
  8. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Meiyappan, D., Bigroup and fuzzy bigroup, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaese de Matematica, 18 (1998) 59-65.  ISSN: 0037-8712
  9. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Meiyappan, D., Fuzzy continuous map on groups, Progress of Mat., Banaras Hindu Univ., 32 (1998) 39-51.
  10. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Indra, V., Maximizing the passengers comfort in the madras transport corporation using fuzzy programming, Progress of Mat., Banaras Hindu Univ., 32 (1998) 91-134.
  11. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Sujatha, R., Effective erasure codes for reliable computer communication protocols using codes over arbitrary integer rings, Progress of Mat., Banaras Hindu Univ., 32 (1998) 187-207.
  12. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Suresh Babu, N., On covering radius of rank distance codes, Ganita Sandesh, 13 (1999) 43-48. ISSN: 0970-9169
  13. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Uma, S., Fuzzy cognitive map of Socio-economic model, Appl. Sci. Periodical, 1 (1999) 129-136. ISSN:0972-5504
  14. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Ram Kishore, M., Symptom - disease model in children using FCM, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 11 (1999) 318-324. ISSN: 0970-9150
  15. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Sujatha, R., A note on erasure decoding of maximum rank distance codes, Proc. of Symposium on Algebra, Univ. of Madras, 108-119, (1999).
  16. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., Hyperloops and hypergroupoids, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 12 (2000) 337-347. ISSN:0970-9150
  17. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Uma, S., Combined fuzzy cognitive map of socio-economic model, Appl. Sci. Periodical, 2 (2000) 25-27.  ISSN: 0972-5504
  18. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Yasmin Sultana, Knowledge processing using fuzzy relational maps, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 12 (2000) 242-245.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  19. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Indra, V., Applications of fuzzy cognitive maps to determine the maximum utility of a route, J. of Fuzzy Maths, Int. fuzzy Mat. Inst., 8 (2000) 65-77.  
  20. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Praseetha, R., New fuzzy relation equations to estimate the peak hours of the day for transport systems, J. of Bihar Mat. Soc., 20 (2000) 1-14.  ISSN: 0972-8716
  21. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Neelakantan, N.R., and Kannan, S.R., Replacement of algebraic linear equations by fuzzy relation equations in chemical engineering, Recent trends in Mathematical Sciences, Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences held at IIT Kharagpur on Dec. 20-22, 2001, published by Narosa Publishing House, 161-168, 2001. ISBN: 81-7319-405X
  22. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Selvaraj, R.S., Fuzzy RD codes with rank metric and distance properties, Recent trends in Mathematical Sciences, Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences held at IIT Kharagpur on Dec. 20-22, 2001, published by Narosa, 341-348, 2001.  ISBN: 81-7319-405X
  23. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Sujatha, R., A new class of codes to detect and correct byte errors, Applicable Mathematics its perspectives and challenges, Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences held at IIT Kharagpur on Dec. 20-22, 2001, published by Narosa Publishing House, 277-284, 2001. ISBN: 81-7319-405X
  24. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Minor, A., Estimation of production and loss or gain to industries using matrices, Proc. of the National Conf. on Challenges of the 21st century in Mathematics and its allied topics, Feb. 3-4 (2001), Univ. of Mysore, 211-218, 2001.
  25. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., An error erasure decoding algorithm to the M – [NXD, K] tensor codes with rank metric, Proc. of the National Conf. on Challenges of the 21st century in Mathematics and its allied topics, Feb. 3-4 (2001), Univ. of Mysore, 219-223, 2001.  
  26. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Selvaraj, R.S., Divisible MRD codes, Proc. of the National Conf. on Challenges of the 21st century in Mathematics and its allied topics, Feb. 3-4 (2001), Univ. of Mysore, 242-246, 2001.  
  27. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kannan, S.R., and Neelakantan, N.R., Use of fuzzy set theory to obtain temperature set point of kerosene in Kalundborg refinery, Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Challenges of 21st century in Maths. and its allied topics, Feb. 3-4, Univ. of Mysore, 268-276, 2001.
  28. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Ramathilagam, S., and Neelakantan, N.R., Fuzzy optimisation techniques in kiln process, Proc. of the National Conf. on Challenges of the 21st century in Mathematics and its allied topics, Feb. 3-4 (2001), Univ. of Mysore, 277-287, 2001.
  29. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Anita, S., Studies on female infanticide problem using neural networks BAM-model, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 13 (2001) 174-183. ISSN: 0970-9150
  30. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Promodh, P., Parent children model using FCM to study dropouts in primary education, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 13, (2001) 362-367.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  31. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Kannan S.R., and Neelakantan, N.R., Use of fuzzy theory to control waste gas pollution in environment by chemical plants, Dimensions of pollution (an collection), 1, (2002) 771-785. ISBN: 81-7525-284-7
  32. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Mary John, M., and Kanagamuthu, T., Study of social interaction and woman empowerment relative to HIV/AIDS, Maths Tiger, 1(4) (2002) 4-7. ISBN: 0972-5873
  33. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Singh, S.V., Loops and their application to proper edge colouring of the graph K2n, Algebra and its Applications, Narosa Publishing House, (2001) 273-284.  ISBN: 81-7319-419-X
  34. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Mary John, M., Fuzzy analysis to study the pollution and the disease caused by hazardous waste from textile industries, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 14 (2002) 248-251. ISSN: 0970-9150
  35. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Yasmin Sultana, Knowledge processing with fuzzy relational maps, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 12 (2000) 242-245.  ISSN: 0970-9150  
  36. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Balu, M.S., Use of weighted multi-expert neural network system to study the Indian politics, Varahmihir J. Math. Sci., Sandipani Academy, 2 (2002) 44-53.  ISSN: 0972-7329
  37. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Yasmin Sultana, FRM to analyse the employee employer relationship model, J. Bihar Math. Soc., 21 (2001) 25-34.  ISSN: 0972-8716
  38. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., T-direct codes: An Application to T-user BAC, Proc. of the 2002 IEEE Info. Theory workshop held at Banglore on 20-25 Oct. 2002, 214, 2002.  
  39. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Selvaraj, R.S., Multi-covering radius with rank metric, Proc. of the 2002 IEEE information theory workshop held at Banglore on 20-25 Oct. 2002, 215, 2002.  
  40. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, P., and Narayan Murthy, S., Child labour problem using Bi-directional associative memories (BAM) model, Proc. of the 9th National Conf. of the Vijnana Parishad of India on Applied and Industrial Mathematics held at Netaji Subhas Inst. of Tech. on Feb. 22-24, 2002.  
  41. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Neelakantan, N.R., and Ramathilgam,S., Maximize the production of cement industries by the maximum satisfaction of employees using fuzzy matrix, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 15 no.1 (2003) 45-56. ISSN: 0970-9150
  42. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Neelakantan, N.R., and Ramathilagam,  S., Minimization of Pollution by CKD in cement industries using Fuzzy Theory, Dimensions of Pollution, ed. A. H. Ansari, Vol. 2, (2003) 12-43.  ISBN: 81-901874-05
  43. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., Some results in T-direct codes, Proceedings of the Third Asian European Workshop on Information Theory, Japan, (2003) 43-44.  
  44. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Suresh Babu, N., Circulant Rank Codes in Communication Channels, Varahmihir J. of Math. Sci., 3 no. 1 (2003) 167-173. ISSN: 0972-7329  
  45. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Devi Yamini, Use of Fuzzy Databases to study the Child Labour Problem, Journal of the Bihar Mathematical Society, 22 (2002) 51-56. ISSN: 0972-8716
  46. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Komathi, P.V., An Analysis of Old Age People's Problem using Fuzzy Theory, Journal of the Bihar Mathematical Society, 9-16.  ISSN: 0972-8716
  47. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Ilavenil, K.P.S.K., Reshuffled Identity in Matrices, Ultra Science, 14 no. 3 (2002) 553-556.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  48. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, P., and Narayana Murthy,  S., Child Labour Problem using Bi-directional Associative Memories (BAM) Model, Mathematics and Information Theory: Recent topics and applications, ed. V. K. Kapoor, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi (2004), 62-71.  ISBN: 81-88342-15-7
  49. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., Maximum Rank Distance Codes with Complementary Duals, Mathematics and Information Theory: Recent topics and applications, ed. V. K. Kapoor, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi (2004), 86-90. ISBN: 81-88342-15-7
  50. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kannan, S.R., and N. R. Neelakantan, Operability Study of Decision Tables in a Chemical Plant using Hierarchical Genetic Fuzzy Control Algorithms, Vikram University Mathematical Journal, 19 (1999) 48-59.  
  51. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Neelakantan N.R., and Ramathilagam, S.,  Use of Fuzzy Neural Networks to Study the Proper Proportions of Raw Material Mix in Cement Plants, Varahmihir J. of Math. Sciences. 2 (2002) no. 2, 231-246. ISSN: 0972-7329
  52. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Raja Durai, R.S., T-Direct Cyclic Codes--A Necessary and Sufficient Condition, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, organized by the Department of Mathematics, St.Thomas College and Kerala Mathematical Association, January 9 to 11, 2003, (2003), 83-87. 
  53. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Johnson, T., New Spectral Theorem for Vector Spaces over Finite Fields Zp, Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences 3 (2003) no. 2, 355-364. ISSN: 0972-7329
  54. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Meiyappan, D., Fuzzy Subhalf-groupoids and its Fuzzy Extension Chains, Ultra Science, 16(1)M (2004) no. 2, 97-102. ISSN: 0970-9150
  55. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Satya Veer Singh, Quasi Regularity in Loop Rings, Ultra Science, 16(1)M, (2004) 43-48.  ISSN: 0970-9150
  56. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Paramasivam, K., The chromatic number of a commutative groupoid, Ultra Science, 16(2)M, (2004) 111-118. ISSN: 0970-9150
  57. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Victor Devadoss, Some New Fuzzy Techniques, Jour. of Inst. of Math. and Comp. Sci., 17 (2004) no. 2, 157-160.
  58. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Neelakantan, N.R., and Ramathilagam,  S., Control of the Grinding Circuit in Cement Industry using Fuzzy Expert Systems, in Combinatorial and Computational Mathematics, ed. S.Nanda and G.P.Raja Sekhar, Narosa Publishing House, 2004, 221-235. ISBN: 81-7319-598-6
  59. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, T. and Mary John, M., The Impact of Missionary Intervention on Education and Rehabilitation of Deprived Children--A Fuzzy Analysis, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc., India, (2004), 151-162.
  60. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Paramasivam, K., The chromatic number of commutative semirings, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc. (2004), 129-136.
  61. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Praveen Prakash, Technical education in Tamil Nadu--A Fuzzy Approach, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc. (2004), 163-175.
  62. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Narayana Moorthy, S., and Mary John, M., The effect of globalization on silk-weavers who are bonded labourers using Fuzzy Relational Equations, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc. (2004), 177-186.
  63. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Abdul Hakeem Raja, Migrant Labourers as a High Risk Group to HIV/AIDS, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc. (2004), 137-149.
  64. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Elumalai, P. and Mary John, M., Study of the employment of Child Labourers in Teashops and Hotels using Fuzzy Associative Memories, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Graph Theory and Fuzzy Mathematics held on August 28-30, 2003, at the Department of Mathematics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta & Kerala Math. Assoc. (2004), 187-195.
  65. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Madan. N., Performance aspects of School Students using rule based Control System, Acta ciencia Indica, 30(1)M, (2004), 215-219.  ISSN: 0253-732-X
  66. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Dennis Williams, Non associative Finite Pseudo Fields, Acta ciencia Indica, 30(1)M, (2004), 221-225. ISSN: 0253-732-X  
  67. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Paramasivam, K., The Chromatic Number of some new classes of commutative semirings using Zn, Ultra Science, 16(2)M, (2004), 301-306. ISSN: 0970-9150
  68. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Paramasivam. K., On the Chromatic Number c (KL) of the commutative loop rings using new class of loops Ln(m), Trends in Theory of Rings and Modules, Anamaya Publishers, (2005), 162-171.  
  69. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Selvaraj. R.S., Multicovering Radius of Codes for Rank metric, Proceedings of Workshop on Concepts in Information Theory held on October 06-08, 2004 at Viareggio, Italy, 96-98.  
  70. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Moon Kumar Chetry, Smarandache Zero-Divisors in group rings, 
  71. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Moon Kumar Chetry, On the Number of Smarandache Zero-Divisors and Smarandache Weak Zero-divisors in loop rings of the loops Ln(m), Scientia Magna, 1, no.2 (2005) 96-99  
  72. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Moon Kumar Chetry, Smarandache idempotents in Loop Rings ZtLn(m) of the Loops Ln(m), Scientia Magna, 1 no.2 (2005), 188-195
  73. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Victor Devadoss, A., Identification of the Maximum age group in which the agricultural labourers suffer health hazards due to chemical pollution using fuzzy matrix, Dimension of Pollution, 3, (2005) 1-55. ISSN: 81-901878-1-3
  74. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Singh, S.V., Some Similarities and Dissimilarities in loop and group algebras, J. Of Bihar Math Soc., 23, (2003) 129-134. ISSN: 9072-8716
  75. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Thiruvengadam, N., Application of pseudo best approximation in coding theory, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 17, (2005) 139-144. ISSN: 0970-9150
  76. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Moon Kumar Chetry, Smarandache   idempotents in finite ring Zn and in the group ring ZnG, Scientia Magna, 1, (2005) 179-187. ISSN: 1556-6706
  77. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Johnson, T., Multi FAM model and its applications to analyse habits and its consequence in HIV/AIDS patients, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 17, (2005) 241-246. ISSN: 0970-9150
  78. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Ilanthenral, K., System of linear biequations, Jour. of Inst. of Math. and Comp. Sci., 18 (2005), 165-179.
  79. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Natrajan, C., Pseudo adjoint of a pseudo inner product space, Jour. of Inst. of Math. and Comp. Sci., 18 (2005), 132-139.
  80. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, T., and Mary John, Migration of parents and their children dropping out of schools – a fuzzy approach, Ultra Sci. Phy. Sci., 17, (2005) 449-460. ISSN: 0970-9150
  81. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Showriraju, Y.I., Semiprime biring, Jour. of Inst. of Math. and Comp. Sci., 18 (2005), 151-153.
  82. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Ilanthenral, K., Bitransformation of bivector spaces, Ultra Science, 17, (2005) 497-502. ISSN: 0970-9150
  83. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Natrajan, C., Some properties of pseudo inner product spaces, Jamal Academic Research Jour., (2005) 54-57. ISSN: 0973-0303
  84. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Nirmala, K., and Nallasamy, R., Cancer among rural men due to use of Tobacco – A FCM analysis, Jour. of Inst. of Math. and Comp. Sci., 19 (2006) no. 1, 1-6.
  85. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Elumalai, Victor Devadoss and Mary John, Application of CETD matrix techniques to study the social and psychological problems faced by rag pickers, Vikram Mathematical Journal, 25 (2005) 1-8.
  86. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Nagarajan, E.K.R., Some new classes of Smarandache seminear ring and their properties, Vikram Mathematical Journal, 26 (2006) 25-29.
  87. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Rajkumar, R., Use of Best Biapproximation in algebraic bicoding theory, Varahmihir Jourrnal of Mathematical Sci., 6 (2006) 509-516. ISSN: 0972-7329
  88. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Karuppusamy, T., Environmental pollution by dyeing industries: A FAM analysis, Ultra Science., 18(3) (2006) 541-546. ISSN: 0970-9150
  89. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Showri Raju, Y.I., A subbistructure over birings, Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5 (2005) 505-513. ISSN: 0972-7329
  90. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B and Johnson, T., Analyzing the raw data using fuzzy trapezoidal model, Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5 (2005) 343-350. ISSN: 0972-7329
  91. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Khoshnevisan, M. and Ilanthenral, K., Smarandache representations and its applications, Scientia Magna, 1 (2006) 59-74. ISSN: 1556-6706
  92. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Elumalai, P., and Mary John, Use of CETD matrix techniques to analyse the vulnerable age group among runaway children who become rag pickers, Proceedings on Industrial Mathematics, Dept. of Maths, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, (2005) 97-104.
  93. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Johnson, T., Fuzzy non-homogeneous data analysis model, Proceedings on Industrial Mathematics, Dept. of Maths, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, (2005) 104-110.
  94. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Karuppasamy, T., A fuzzy analysis of the labourers standards in the Tirupur garment industries, Proceedings on Industrial Mathematics, Dept. of Maths, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, (2005) 111-118.
  95. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Narayanamoorthy, S., and Mary John, Use of overlap block FCMs to study bonded labourer problem, Proceedings on Industrial Mathematics, Dept. of Maths, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, (2005) 119-126.
  96. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, T., and Mary John, School Environment: A cause for increase in school dropouts – Fuzzy Analysis, Proceedings on Industrial Mathematics, Dept. of Maths, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, (2005) 127-136.
  97. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Praveen Prakash, A. and Thirusangu, K., Study of the Problems of Persons with Disability (PWD) using FRMs, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, (2009) 1-8.
  98. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Elumali, P., and Mary John, Analysis of health hazards faced by rag pickers on Chennai city using Fuzzy Relational Maps, Mathematical Modeling, Ane Books India, (2007) 289-295.
  99. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Narayanamoorthy, S., and Mary John, Study of problems faced by bonded labourers near Kodainal forests using FCMs, Mathematical Modeling, Ane Books India, (2007) 297-304.
  100. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Pathinathan, T., and Mary John, Study of problems faced by school dropouts using applied fuzzy analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Ane Books India, (2007) 305-312.
  101. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Rajkumar, R., Distance Graphs on Constant Weight Metric Spaces with Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Metric, Ultra Scientist, 22 (2010) 195-204.
  102. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Rajkumar, R., Some metrical problems on symmetric groups with Rosenbloom- Tsfasman metric, Ultra Scientist, 22 (2010) 291-294.
  103. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Rajkumar, R., A Class of Cayley Graph Interconnection Networks based on Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Metric, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT 2009), World Scientific, (2009) 66-72.
  104. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B. and Praveen Prakash, A., Fuzzy Analysis of the Reservation for OBC students in Technical Institutions, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Development in the Applications of Mathematics towards Bio-Sciences and Management Sciences, Sacred Heart College, Vellore, (2006), 107-117.
  105. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Thirusangu, K. and Subhramaniyan, T., Subsemigroups of Bisemigroups and their applications to N- automatons, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Development in the Applications of Mathematics towards Bio-Sciences and Management Sciences, Sacred Heart College, Vellore, (2006), 155-164.
  106. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Rajkumar, R., On the minimum distance of circulant RT distance codes, Ultra Scientist, 21 (2009) 725-730.
  107. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Khoshnevisan, M., and Ilanthenral, K., Smarandache representation and its applications,  Scientia Magna, 2, no.4 (2006) 59-74
  108. Moon Kumar Chetry and Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., A note on self shrinking lagged Fibonacci generator, International Journal of Network Security, 11 (2010) 58-60.
  109. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Vasuki, R., and Nedumaran, P., Study of Influential nodes of Fuzzy Graphs in fuzzy models , Ultra Scientist, 26(1) (2014) 79-87.
  110. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Ebenezer, H., Srinivasan, K., and Reuben, D.J., Study of Health Hazards of using Endosulfan in the food sector: A fuzzy analysis, Ultra Scientist, 26(1),  (2014) 33-42.
  111. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Sekar, P., and Vidhyalakshmi, New Type of Fuzzy Relational Equations and Neutrosophic Relational Equations-To analyse Customers Preference to Street Shops, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 3 (2014) 66-74.
  112. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Vasuki, R., and Thulukkanam, K., New Merged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps,  Ultra Scientist, 26(3) (2014) 187-192.
  113. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Vasuki, R., and Thulukkanam, K., Kosko hamming distance in the analysis of FCMs  to study the problems of locals due to dumping  of solid waste in Kodungaiyur,  Ultra Scientist, 26(1) (2014) 55-62.
  114. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Regin Thangaraj, Vertex Edge Matrix of fuzzy graphs, Ultra Scientist, 27(1) (2015) 65-70.
  115. Kuppuswami, G., Sujatha, R., and Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Study of traffic flow using CETD Matrix. Indian journal of science and technology, 8(24) (2015) 1-5.
  116. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Modified Collatz conjecture or (3a+1)+(3b+1) Conjecture for Neutrosophic Numbers, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 14(1) (2016) 44-46.
  117. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., The 3n±p conjecture: A generalization of Collatz Conjecture, Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 29(2) (2017) 83-88.
  118. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Neutrosophic duplets of {Zpn,×} and {Zpq,×} and their properties, Symmetry, 10 (2018) 345.
  119. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., A Classical Group of Neutrosophic Triplet Groups Using {Z2p,×}, Symmetry, 10(6) (2018) 194.
  120. Ali, Mumtaz, Huma Khan, Le Hoang Son, Smarandache, F., and Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., New soft set based class of linear algebraic codes, Symmetry, 10(10) (2018) 510.
  121. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Algebraic Structure of Neutrosophic Duplets in Neutrosophic Rings áZ È Iñ, áQ È Iñ and áR È Iñ, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 23 (2018) 85-95.
  122. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Semi-Idempotents in Neutrosophic Rings, Mathematics, 7(6) (2019) 507.
  123. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F.,  Neutrosophic triplets in neutrosophic rings, Mathematics, 7(6) (2019) 563.
  124. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Neutrosophic quadruple vector spaces and their properties, Mathematics, 7(8) (2019) 758.
  125. Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., Kandasamy, I., Devvrat, V., and Ghildiyal, S., Study of Imaginative Play in Children using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps Model, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 30(1) (2019) 241-252.
  126. Ramalingam, S., Vasantha Kandasamy, W.B., and Broumi, S., An Approach for Study of Traffic Congestion Problem Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps-the Case of Indian Traffic, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 30(1) (2019) 271-283.
  127. Kandasamy, I., Vasantha, W.B., Mathur, N., Bisht, M., Smarandache, F., Chapter 6 - Sentiment analysis of the #MeToo movement using neutrosophy: Application of single-valued neutrosophic sets, Optimization Theory Based on Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Sets, Academic Press, (2020) 117-135. ISBN 9780128196700.

  128. Vasantha, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., NeutroAlgebra of Neutrosophic Triplets using {Zn,×}, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 38(1) (2020) 34.

  129. Vasantha, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Neutrosophic quadruple algebraic codes over Z2 and their properties, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 33(1) (2020) 12.

  130. Vasantha, W.B., Kandasamy, I., and Smarandache, F., Neutrosophic components semigroups and multiset neutrosophic components semigroups, Symmetry, 12(5) (2020) 818.

  131. Vasantha, W.B., Kandasamy, I., Smarandache, F., Devvrat, V., and Ghildiyal, S., Study of imaginative play in children using single-valued refined neutrosophic sets, Symmetry, 12(3) (2020): 402.

  132. Kandasamy, I., Vasantha, W.B., Obbineni, J.M. and Smarandache, F., Indeterminate Likert scale: feedback based on neutrosophy, its distance measures and clustering algorithm, Soft Computing, 24 (2020) 7459–7468.

  133. Kandasamy, I., Vasantha, W.B., Obbineni, J.M., and Smarandache, F., Sentiment analysis of tweets using refined neutrosophic sets, Computers in Industry, 115 (2020) 103180.

  134. Mishra, K., Kandasamy, I., Vasantha W.B., and Smarandache, F.. A Novel Framework Using Neutrosophy for Integrated Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis, Symmetry, 12(10) (2020) 1715.

  135. Sharma, M., Kandasamy, I., and Vasantha, W.B., Memebusters at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Feature Fusion Model for Sentiment Analysis on Memes Using Transfer Learning In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, (2020) 1163-1171.

  136. Sharma, M., Kandasamy, I., and Vasantha, W.B., Comparison of neutrosophic approach to various deep learning models for sentiment analysis, Knowledge-Based Systems 223 (2021): 107058.

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